
*** IMPORTANT USE this Report as part of your reporting section, it merges the data in qalab.xml, creates the charts and generates the chart report, ensure that this report is run AFTER Checkstyle, pmd, Findbugs, Cobertura, etc.

Parameters for the goal:

Parameter Type Expression Default Value Description
chartBundledXsl (Optional) String - qalab-chart-xdoc.xsl The xslt stylesheet bundled, either qalab-chart-xdoc.xsl or qalab-chart-html.xsl.
chartFilePrefix (Optional) String - - File prefix for the charts (e.g. cobertura-) Default empty.
chartHeight (Optional) int - 500 The Chart chartHeight.
chartOutputDirectory File ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/qalab - The directory where the generated html report will go.
chartSummaryOnly (Optional) boolean - false If true then generate a summary chart only.
chartWidth (Optional) int - 750 The Chart chartWidth.
checkstyleHandler (Optional) String - net.objectlab.qalab.parser.CheckstyleStatMerge The fully qualified class name for the handler for Checkstyle.
checkstyleInputFile (Optional) File ${}/checkstyle-result.xml - The input file generated by Checkstyle.
coberturaBranchHandler (Optional) String - net.objectlab.qalab.parser.CoberturaBranchStatMerge The fully qualified class name for the handler for Cobertura Branch.
coberturaInputFile (Optional) File ${project.reporting.outputDirectory}/cobertura/coverage.xml - The input file generated by Cobertura.
coberturaLineHandler (Optional) String - net.objectlab.qalab.parser.CoberturaLineStatMerge The fully qualified class name for the handler for Cobertura Line.
dateOnly (Optional) boolean - true If true then use ONLY DATE for timestamp (use in conjunction action replace).
exporterClassName (Optional) String - net.objectlab.qalab.exporter.QALabXMLExporter An exporter class name.
findbugsHandler (Optional) String - net.objectlab.qalab.parser.FindBugsStatMerge The fully qualified class name for the handler for FindBugs.
findbugsInputFile (Optional) File ${}/findbugs.xml - The input file generated by FindBugs.
mergerTimeStamp (Optional) String - - The timestamp for the stats.
movingAverage (Optional) int - 0 If the movingAverage is <= 0 then there is no moving average, otherwise it shows the average based on the last n points, where n is the value of this field.
outputDirectory String ${}/generated-site/xdoc/qalab/ - The directory where the generated xdoc/html report will go.
pmdCpdHandler (Optional) String - net.objectlab.qalab.parser.PMDCPDStatMerge The fully qualified class name for the handler for PMD CPD.
pmdCpdInputFile (Optional) File ${}/cpd.xml - The input file generated by PMD CPD.
pmdHandler (Optional) String - net.objectlab.qalab.parser.PMDStatMerge The fully qualified class name for the handler for PMD.
pmdInputFile (Optional) File ${}/pmd.xml - The input file generated by PMD.
project MavenProject ${project} - The maven project.
propertiesFile (Optional) File - - The properties file to use instead of setting them one by one.
qalabFile (Optional) File ${project.basedir}/qalab.xml - The generated qalab.xml file.
quiet (Optional) boolean - false If true then any debug logging output will be suppressed.
simianHandler (Optional) String - net.objectlab.qalab.parser.SimianStatMerge The fully qualified class name for the handler for Simian.
simianInputFile (Optional) File ${}/simian-raw-report.xml - The input file generated by Simian.
siteRenderer (Optional) (Discovered) SiteRenderer - - Not sure what this is.
srcDir (Optional) String ${} - The directory where the source code is.
startTimeHoursOffset (Optional) String - 48 The number of hours to define the time window from now.
styleSheet (Optional) File - - The xslt style sheet.
summaryTypes (Optional) String - checkstyle,pmd,findbugs,simian,pmd-cpd Statistic type to appear on summary chart, defaulted to 'checkstyle,pmd,findbugs,simian,pmd-cpd'.
types (Optional) String - checkstyle,pmd,pmd-cpd,findbugs,simian,cobertura-line,cobertura-branch Statistic types, defaulted to 'checkstyle,pmd,pmd-cpd,findbugs,simian,cobertura-line,cobertura-branch'.
xAxisSummaryTitle (Optional) String - Date X Axis Title for Summary
xAxisTitle (Optional) String - Date X Axis Title
yAxisSummaryTitle (Optional) String - Violation Count Y Axis Title for Summary
yAxisTitle (Optional) String - Violation Count / Coverage Percent Y Axis Title