ALab is built primarily by Maven 1:
If you have Maven 1 and Maven 2 installed, just run "releasebuild.bat" and everything will be installed, built and documented for you.
If you want to build for Maven 2, there is a BASIC POM for Maven 2 in qalab:
Easy, just add the qalab-n.n.jar to your classpath for your build. You also need the jFreeChart, Xerces and Log4J jars (see dependencies)
QALab is a new open source project that consolidates information from checkstyle, pmd, findbugs, Cobertura and simian. Once it is done, you can generate charts and reports on the QA Trends in your system.
Yes, the QALab team recognise that projects with lots of files and/or violation may generate large XML files (we have tested it without a problem with qalab.xml > 10MB). One simply needs to implement a QALabExporter and give it to the task via the properties files.
QALab currently handles the output of the following tools: