We are pleased to announce the QALab Library Stats for Builds 1.0 release! http://qalab.sourceforge.net This project collects data from several QA tools, like pmd, checkstyle, FindBugs, Cobertura and Simian and keeps track of them overtime. This allows developers, architects and project managers alike to be presented with a trend of the QA statistics of their project. =============================================================================== Changes in this version include: New Features: o QALab chart will show an explicit drop to 0 for a given type if there are no statistics 28h before the last date of all series. o QALab chart will use a specific stroke for each type (eg pmd/checkstyle/etc). o QALab chart will use a specific colour for each type (eg pmd/checkstyle/etc). o Move to Subversion! o Added support for PMD CPD (Copy Paste Detector) as an alternative to Simian (non-open source). Fixed bugs: o Movers report now include Cobertura line and branch by default, the statistics are 100-value so that they show a positive trend if value goes up. Thanks to Shelby for the suggestion. o Thomas Stofer reported some issues with SAX parser on JDK 1.4 and Ant. [buildchart] org.xml.sax.SAXException: System property org.xml.sax.driver not specified (thanks Tom!) o Geoff Bennett reported that the XSL for Charts was overriding the size of the generated charts, this is now fixed. Thanks for reporting it. Have fun! -The QALab Library Stats for Builds development team