We are pleased to announce the QALab Library Stats for Builds 0.7.1 release! http://qalab.sourceforge.net This project collects data from several QA tools, like pmd, checkstyle, FindBugs, Cobertura and Simian and keeps track of them overtime. This allows developers, architects and project managers alike to be presented with a trend of the QA statistics of their project. =============================================================================== Changes in this version include: New Features: o Significant amount of unit tests added. o Add mergerTimeStamp parameter for merge, can be used to ensure that the same timestamp is used across several types of stats merged. o Add qalab.merge.timestampdateonly parameter in properties file for merge, this is useful if one wants to keep only a date in the file. Use it in conjunction with qalab.merge.action o Add qalab.merge.action parameter in properties file for merge, can be useful if one runs the stats merger several times per day but want to keep only one set per day! The new set replaces the old set. Fixed bugs: o Creating an empty qalab.xml did not work for JDKs before 1.5/5.0. Thanks to Ekin Gulen. o Couple of broken links in docs for movers. Thanks to Ekin Gulen. Have fun! -The QALab Library Stats for Builds development team